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Yes, recruiting from social media is the best method of recruiting new candidates for a job. Some social media platforms like LinkedIn is the most effective solution to add new talent in 2019.

Why LinkedIn is the most effective social platform for Recruiting?

LinkedIn has a major role in Recruiting New Talent in 2019 and most of the recruiting managers are using it. Among the social site, LinkedIn is a leading social media networking platform to recruit the right talent for a new or difficult job role. On LinkedIn Recruiter, there are many fresh graduates looking for new starting jobs and experienced candidates looking for a better company.
It is revealed that 85% of companies and recruiting managers are posting new jobs and find new candidates for their team on LinkedIn Talent solution. LinkedIn has a huge network of more than 620 million profiles including students, candidates, business professionals, companies and recruiting managers who are actively looking for new jobs and business opportunities.

 new method of attracting candidates

How can you search or collect candidate's detail from LinkedIn?

I am working in a big recruiting firm. My duty is to search for and hire new candidates for many other different companies. As a recruiting professional, I always search the best relevant candidate from a basic skill level to a professional level to hire a skilled professional suited to the company’s job specifications on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is saving my time and of course cost of expensive job advertisement.
To shortlist candidate I need their contact information and collecting candidate’s data from LinkedIn manually is not possible because it takes a lot of time. To search the desired candidate with the required skill requires viewing millions of LinkedIn profiles and extracting the required candidate’s detail in bulk. For this, LinkedIn Scraper Software is the best tool. I suggest you “LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor” which can extract candidate's contact data from LinkedIn profiles automatically within minutes.

Recruit Best Candidates with LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor

LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor is the most suggested LinkedIn Scraper software for extracting the best candidates’ contact information from LinkedIn Recruiter profiles. By using LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor you can extract best and relevant Candidates contact information such as candidates name, Email ids, valid phone number, messenger ids, previous or current job title, website URLs, best skills, industry type, country name and location and LinkedIn profile links on LinkedIn from LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter profiles. LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor can search, extract and export extracted candidates information data in .xlsx, .csv, (opens in excel) .txt files.

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