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The yellow pages are one of the largest and most famous business directories in the world. The yellow pages are full of information about businesses and individuals. Business owners use it to find potential clients from other businesses and individuals. Scraping any website is no easy task, but today when technology is improving day by day, things are getting easy. Today we are going to talk about the software that allows extracting leads and exporting them to Excel with just a few clicks.

Yellow Pages Data Extractor

You may quickly extract the data and save it in Excel format with the Yellow Pages Data Extractor. This software is so easy to use that you just need to download it and click on the search button and it will start extracting data from the yellow pages. You can modify your search terms as described in the video instruction below. If you provide items or services to restaurants, you may collect leads and keep them in an Excel spreadsheet.
How to extract data from yellow pages What are yellow page extractors?

Why use a yellow page extractor?

When you search for a keyword in the yellow pages search bar, you will get a list. For example, if you write any title in the search box, such as "Plumber," and pick the location where you want a list of all plumbers, the yellow pages will give you a list of plumbers. You now have two alternatives for all of the plumbers listed on the website: I do not recommend manually copying and pasting data since it will waste a significant amount of your time and money.
What I suggest is that you utilize the yellow page extractor to receive all of the listings in a few clicks; it will save you time and money? Yes, you can save money with this software by increasing your productivity in the business and you can also sell leads through outsourcing projects.

Why Yellow Pages Extractor is the best scraper

This application saves time, guarantees data accuracy, and opens up new channels for competition research, lead creation, and targeted marketing campaigns by automating the process of pulling data from Yellow Pages and provide marketers and businesses with the knowledge they need to thrive.

How to use the software

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