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Yelp is a social networking website that allows its users to post reviews and give stars rating from one to five stars to businesses listed on the website. A user won’t keep the place secret if he likes any business or restaurant product or service. It is a trustworthy source to collect local business leads from different countries and cities such as Restaurants, Shops, and Automotive Services. You can browse different businesses and get lead information like business name, Phone Numbers, Addresses, and reviews, etc.

Why do you need Web Scraping tools?

If you are looking to collect the leads data in bulk for marketing purposes then you may copy and paste the leads from this website but for this, you have to put a lot of effort and time to collect leads . The other way you can use web scraping tools that can copy and paste all the data from the web page automatically with a single click and save it into an excel spreadsheet.

What are Web Scraping tools?

Web scraping is also called data mining or data extraction used for extracting data from websites and importing it into an excel spreadsheet or CSV for further use. The tools which are used for extracting the data from these websites are called web scraping tools that include software, extensions, and other cloud-based tools . Different tools have different characteristics and features but if you are looking to scrape the data easily with a reliable source then web scraping software is the best solution.
Scrape business leads from yelp with best yelp data scraper

How to choose the best Yelp Scraping software

You may find many web scraping software in the market but choosing the best web scraping software might be difficult if you have no technical knowledge or if you are going to buy these tools for the first time, there are many checkpoints you should keep in mind before going to buy these tools. These are some main feature which a good yelp data scraper should have.i.e.
  • Does the software extract the data of your own choice?
  • Does the software have its browser?
  • Does the software crawl the next page automatically?
  • Does the software allow you to change keywords from the website?
  • Does the software allow you to export data?
  • What is the extraction speed of software?
  • Does the software allow you to apply a filter?
  • Does the software allow to extract in the format of your choice?

Best Yelp Leads Extractor

Yelp Leads Extractor Yelp Extractoris web scraping software that can extract business name, phone number, Emails, website links Reviews, etc. without learning and coding, it is very easy to use software and having all function and feature mentioned above, it is a very powerful tool used by professionals and Marketers to collect potential client’s data that help them to generate the leads.
Yelp Leads Extractor is free to download and install , you won’t have to pay a single penny for the trial, and after satisfaction with its result, you can buy the license which is extremely low of a cost as compared with its result. You can get the benefit and increase your business by using this tool.

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