How Web Scraper Extract Data:
Scraping any website is not an easy process after all websites are made to understand by the human, not for the machine. Just like a human, we open a browser with any URL and when the URL completely loads then we can access the data of the website, similarly, URL is given in the Web Scraper, after loading the website URL its start reading and extracting the data into structured form. Most of the scrapers will output all the data into Excel Spreadsheet or CSV forms, there are different types of scrapers available let's break them down to simplify them into 3 categoryCustom Built Scraper
Pre-built Scraper
Browser Extensions

What is the Purpose of Web scraping?
As we discussed types of web Scrapers but we should have an idea for what purpose scrapers are used. Web scraper can be used for the following purpose but you can use as per your need and requirement.Best Web Scraper of 2020
Now you probably know the basics of Web scraping and wonder which Web Scraper is the best. It depends on your requirement there are many Pre-Built scrapers available if those can fulfill your need then taking those scrapers will not be a bad idea. But I will always recommend “Anysite Scraper” because it has all advanced features and customizable tools with easy understanding.You will get many pre-built scrapers in it that are free to download. Furthermore, if you want to build your Scraper with simple steps you can build your Scraper. With Anysite Scraper you can scrape multiple websites at the same. It is quite simple to understand and use.