Why Do You Need Emails, Phone Numbers and Social Ids for Your Online Business/ Company?
Today, marketing an online business is one of the most difficult things to do. If you don't keep up with your competitors, your company may not be able to compete and stay open. One way to be distinguished among others companies is by driving the right kind of sales-generating opportunities. If you do business online, you may maintain a database of your potential customers, clients, or subscribers. Usually you store customer email addresses, names, social ID, and other important details in the database. In addition, you may want to keep your customer's personal information such as postal addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, social IDs and more in your database. It's a large amount of data that you need to keep in order - add new customers, remove customers, and update customer information at their request.How Can You Automatically Extract Emails, Phone Numbers, And Social Ids From A Website?
Have you ever thought about how much time you spend on tasks such as copying multiple client data from each email and pasting it into your database, manually? It can literally take months to build a huge database . As your business grows online, you will receive more and more emails. One day, you may discover that it takes almost all of your time to copy customer data into your database.Why don't e-mails and phone numbers be automatically extracted and converted to database records in minutes? If this is what you always dreamed of, download and install the Top Lead Extractor software. This small program will extract any data you want from your messages - customer name, email address, postal address, social identity or anything you say to extract it - and add it to your database.
![extract data from directory](https://www.ahmadsoftware.com/blogimages/directory212.jpg)
In my experience, I recommend the following tools to scrape the most important original email IDs, phone numbers, and social IDs.
1) Top Lead Extractor Tool (to scrape emails, phone numbers, and social identifiers)
2) Cute Web Email Extractor (to scrape authentic emails)
3) Cute Web Phone Number Extractor (to scrape authentic phone numbers)
4) Bulk SMS Sender(Android) - SMSGadget (Bulk SMS Sender)