From my experience, I will tell you the best lead generation tactics and the best type of marketing that is mostly used in 2018 and now in 2019.
1) Cold Calling (Telemarketing)
2) Email Marketing
3) SMS Marketing
The importance of Email marketing
Email marketing is mainly the most significant and popular marketing technique to endorse any business. In 2019 Email Marketing plays a vital role in business growth and expansion. For searching and extracting valid email ids from the Internet for Email marketing, I suggest you the most recommended Cute Web Email Extractor tool. Cute Web Email Extractor is known as the cheapest and time-saver emails extractor software for email management, and email marketing. Cute Web Email Extractor can extract valid email ids from popular search engines (i.e. Yahoo, Google, Ask, etc), from targeted websites and from local files.
Importance of Cold Calling (Telemarketing)
Cold Calling (Telemarketing) is very important for leads generation and for growing business sales. In cold calling, as a B2B marketer, you contact your targeted prospects and clients to inform them about your new product and updates. For doing cold calling, you need valid phone numbers with respect to your targeted business audience and prospects. For generating valid phone numbers I recommend you cute web Phone numbers extractor to extract valid phone numbers from search engines and from Local files. And most importantly you can make your own Bulk Phone Number Database by extracting valid phone numbers from the Internet and you can use this database for SMS marketing by using Bulk SMS sender software.
SMS marketing
SMS marketing is one of the important tactics to communicate with your target customers directly to get them as leads. It is an abrupt tool to get an immediate response. Bulk SMS Sender - SMSGadget helps B2B companies to promote their product and services by sending messages about the latest products, discounts, offers, etc. without paying huge money. A great marketing tool for business marketing, advertising through a mobile phone or GSM, modem from PC.For generating leads from these marketing tactics you need valid phone numbers and email ids. I will tell you the best 3 in one software for extracting emails, phone numbers and social IDs from the Internet.
Top Lead Extractor (3 IN ONE for extracting email IDs, Phone numbers and Social IDs from the Internet)
Top Lead Extractor (3 IN ONE)
Now you know the importance of email marketing and telemarketing. Now I am telling you about the best software to extract email ids, phone numbers, and social ids at one place. This tool is named as Top Lead Extractor . So you don’t need to pay for different tools for extracting email IDs and Phone numbers for email marketing and telemarketing. Because Top Lead Extractor can extract email IDs, Phone numbers and social Ids 3 in 1 task at one place.